Yingpei Zeng (曾英佩)'s Home Page

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I am a Associate Professor of School of Cyberspace at Hangzhou Dianzi University. I received my B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, in 2004 and 2010 respectively, under the supervision of Prof. Li Xie. I also worked as a Research Assistant in Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University with Prof. Jiannong Cao during May 2008 and May 2009. Before joining Hangzhou Dianzi University in 2018, I worked as a Senior R&D Engineer in China Mobile (HangZhou) Information Technology Co.,Ltd. (i.e., CMCC Hangzhou R&D Center) for three years, and earlier worked as a Senior/Principle Software Design Engineer, and Product Owner in MicroStrategy for five years.

Contact information:
Room 610, Science & Technology Hall
School of Cyberspace
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou, 310018
E-mail: yzeng {at} hdu.edu.cn

Projects | Teaching | Awards | Activities | Publications


I worked on different projects when I am in HDU, China Mobile (CMCC), MicroStrategy, Nanjing University and HK PolyU. My selected publications are available here. Some previous projects:



Professional Activities